4K video = 17 by 9 frame. Using 4k in a 1080 timeline you can zoom in 200%. 4K is 4096 by 2160 pixels and needs a 8.8 megapixel sensor. Recording 1920 by 1080p, 10 bit video @ 24 frames per [...]
Producer/host Evie Tse and host Cynthia Chen have started a Chinese language magazine show at LexMedia. They are looking for production help and guests for future shows. Contact@lexmedia.org for [...]
On November 12th LexMedia held its annual members meeting. Over 40 members attended and were entertained by a “Highlight” video, reports on the great year we just had and a [...]
LexMedia’s staff and volunteer members were out in force all day covering the Patriots’ Day events. See the edited parade and festivities playing now on LexMedia.
From 4:30am to 4:30pm the LexMedia staff and volunteer crew covered all the Patriots’ Day festivities. Check our on-line schedules and tune in for the parade and other Patriots’ Day events.