Let us know what’s happening!
We want to include your event in our Community Bulletin Board; please read on to see how to make that happen
Basic Information
LexMedia runs Community Bulletin Board (CBB) announcements on our access channels throughout the day in gaps between programs. CBBs are also displayed on the home page of the LexMedia website and our other digital platforms.
Non-profit community events for the bulletin board may be submitted by all residents of Lexington, members of municipal departments of the Town of Lexington, and Lexington-based non-profit organizations, as well as LexMedia members. Non-profit organizations from outside Lexington may also submit announcements through a sponsoring resident.
No commercial announcements, advertising, or direct appeals for funds will be accepted. It is LexMedia’s policy not to advertise the price of an event.
LexMedia cannot guarantee placement of the announcement on our CBB. Messages not tied to an upcoming event shall run for at least a one month period, and will be removed at the discretion of LexMedia.
LexMedia reserves the right to reject or edit announcements at its own discretion. LexMedia is not responsible for any mistakes made on the CBB.
How to submit an announcement for the Community Bulletin Board, using the form below
As text with an attachment
Provide information regarding the event as text. Provide contact details in case viewers need additional information. Be sure to include date, time, and place of event. A member of LexMedia will create a slide to be displayed as part of the Community Bulletin Board based on the information given. A slide will be provided as soon as possible, depending on LexMedia staff workload.
Attachments about the event can be used as the only piece of information or to add to information. Attachments can be of any type with information you would like to have included (e.g. word, powerpoint, pdf, jpg with picture to use, etc.). Up to four attachments are allowed.
As a completed slide
CBB items may be submitted as a final version slide, ready to be displayed, in jpg format. Please see information below regarding size and content when submitting a final version.
Please note that when submitting a final version:
- Fonts should be a minimum of 22-point to be read easily
- The .jpg must be landscape (horizontal) orientation.
- The size is 1280 x 720 pixels (13.33″ x 7.5″ at 96 dpi). Leave space around the design for a safe margin of display.
- The size of the jpg should be a minimum of 300 kb
- No pricing, other than “Free”, is permitted in the CBB slide. Instead, use “reservations required” or “to purchase tickets” or “for tickets” or “for reservation” or something similar.
- Less is more; too much information can make the CBB hard to read. Highlight the most important information about the event (name of event, date, time, location) and then provide contact information for further information.